Just a quick one

March 16, 2010

I have a lot to talk about so I will do a quick update on all things in this post then do further detailed posts about each thing over the next few days.

Firstly, the sad news. In the last week we have lost Onion, Elvis and Jasmine. Onion had an operation to have a really horrid lump removed from the base of her back on 1st March, she seemed to be recovering fine but I found her dead on Friday 5th. Elvis passed away in his sleep 10th March. He did pretty well, he would’ve been about 2 years, 9 months. And lovely little Jasmine had some horrible respiratory bug that took her away from us on Friday. She was only about 10 months old.

In Happy News, we had a great day at the show, bringing home 5 rosettes, Babs got 1st Silver Fawn, Evie got 1st Black and Best Self and Stan got 1st British Blue and Stud Buck. I have also become a member of the SRC commitee and taken over the position of Show Secretary which I’m really looking forward to getting into.

In Exciting News, we should be having babies this weekend if all goes to plan. Lovely Moss and sexy Stan had a one night stand and will hopefully produce the first step on the way to making british blue variegated ratties.

And I have a new aviary. It is a tall, narrow one but should be suitable for 6 – 8 ratties and will make a nice girly cage. And, best of all, it was free! It’s not in use yet but I will add photos when it is.

So, the Northern Lights Rats news in brief. More details will follow.

New cage for elvis

February 10, 2008

I finally put Elvis in his new cage yesterday. It’s not really new, it’s the one I used for Sugar and the bubs from 2 – 4.5 weeks, but it’s really not big enough for rats but it’s a prety good size for a Syrian Hamster. I can also put a shelf in it which means I can get his food bowl up out the way and he has to move a little bit to eat! He had a little explore yesterday and figured out how to get up the tube and even had a 30 second stroll on his wheel before climbing on top of it – I think he’s got a screw loose, bless him!!

Here’s the cage:

My syrian hamster's cage

And here he is on his wheel!

Syrian Hamster on his wheel